Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 Class Page!

Welcome to our year 6 webpage. Here you will find lots of useful information and be able to see what we will be studying in year 6. Please see the knowledge organisers below for a more detailed look at what your child will be learning through the summer term. 

Y6 Curriculum map for 2023/24 

Maths Calculation Policy 

Below you can find Year 6's key instant recall facts, known as KIRF, for maths. These are facts that should be practised as often as possible so that children become fluent and confident to recall these facts and instantly apply them to mathematical learning accurately.

KIRFS for Year 6  


Throughout our learning in geography, the essential skills and knowledge project revises the features of Earth, time zones and lines of latitude and longitude to pinpoint places on a map. Children find out more about map scales, grid references, contour lines and map symbols. They learn about climate change and the importance of global trade. Children analyse data and carry out fieldwork to find out about local road safety. They study patterns of human settlements and carry out an enquiry to describe local settlement patterns.



This term, children will be learning about the ancient Greeks. They will learn about their values and philosophies, democracy and the start of the olympic games. This project teaches children about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece.


 In the Summer Term, we will investigating light and electricity. We will being by teaching children about electrical circuits, their components and how they function. They will recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches children about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring. They combine their learning to design and make programmable home devices. Children will then learn about the way that light behaves, travelling in straight lines from a source or reflector, into the eye. They explore how we see light and colours, and phenomena associated with light, including shadows, reflections and refraction.



Children began their art journey the Autumn term by focusing on building colour development, skills in different paint media, composition and creativity by painting portraits and distorting them.

Through the spring term, the children built on their knowledge of printing with found objects (FS1), creating collographs in relief (Y3), to explore further printing techniques in mono, relief with foam and lino.

In the Summer term children will develop soft sculpture skills where they will build on architecture in 3D box modelling in Y1, to figurative sculpture using clay, wire, papier mache, salt dough in Y4. The children will now be working in a soft medium to produce still life objects inspired by pop and contemporary art


 Physical Education    

Children will have two PE lessons per week - one outside and one indoors. They will be developing their disciplinary knowledge (skills) through cricket and fitness in the first part of the summer term. Children will have opportunities to showcase some of their new skills in competitions. 

Please send your child to school in full P.E. kit on Monday and Thursday. 



Homework is set on a Friday and is to be completed by Wednesday. We will address any misconceptions and understanding in class. Homework activities may be set on PurpleMash and other online platforms for revision.

Spellings will be given on weekly basis, given Wednesday and tested on Wednesday. These will be in their Spelling Log and will consist of 10 spellings (to practise the rule or pattern of the week, revisit previous spelling rules and statutory spellings.) 

Reading - No matter what age, children love to read and be read to. Please help us to foster that love of reading and listen to your child read aloud, model reading aloud yourself, and share books with them. Please try to do this as much as possible; ideally every day but keep it short and sweet. Complete the new home/school record and return daily. Reading awards are presented to children who achieve the milestones in the home/school reading records.